Friday, October 5, 2007

Halloween Costume

BLOG PROMPT: blog: If I could be anything for Halloween this year, I would be . . .


Anything? Ha ha--I would be myself, completely and authentically--the angel of myself, that is. Wouldn't that be refreshing? I hear that my neighbor had about 395 trick-or-treaters last year at her house (we missed Halloween in this neighborhood last year), so I am looking forward to this event (in a way)…it would be nice to be the gracious door opener for Halloween. I remember being trick-or-treated at a student family housing apartment at the University of Southern Mississippi thirteen years ago--I didn't realize that I should hand the candy piece(s) rather than extend the bowl, and one young person took what I thought was too much. I wasn't the angel of myself then. But so much is adultness. What would I dress up as? Mmh…can't think really. Maybe as Deborah the judge from the Bible, or Queen Ester (Hadassah), or Joan of Arc . . .

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